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Tired, drained, exhausted, and depressed?

These are symptoms commonly known as Fatigue. Fatigue is a sign that your body is feeling physical or emotional stress. Thinking that it will just go away is a common mistake that everyone makes. Causes are determined by the person, the way they’re dieting, what medications they are on, lack of activity, and lack of exercise.

The first step to living your life to the fullest is yours to make.

In some cases fatigue can be an end product of nerve impingement syndrome, or better known as a subluxation. When pressure is present on the nerve it's possible that communication from the nerve to the brain is delayed. Think of it as a kinked hose... When your garden hose gets kinked, the water slows or stops.

Having a balanced diet, an exercise routine, and getting spinal adjustments can improve your fatigue. The common person can feel fatigue or knows someone who feels fatigue, helping them and/or yourself can change your life.

Azzari Chiropractic Life Center Can Help

Dr. Azzari can help relieve your symptoms. Click below to learn more.

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Bonnie Kilmer

"I have been a patient of Dr. Azzari’s since 2000. I came to see him for back and neck pain due to severe scoliosis. The pain I was having was keeping me from, working full time, traveling, plane flights, car rides, hotel beds were all a problem. Having a good quality of life was difficult.

I tried pain meds but they didn’t help at all. The medications just made me very sleepy and the pain was still there.
After I started seeing Dr. Azzari I was able to increase my workload at my job and I had and still have an overall improvement in health and well-being."

Dorothy Cremonese

"As a young woman I worked as a waitress. This involved some heavy work, such as toting dish-laden trays and reaching out to place heavy dishes on tables. The work shifts were long and the pace was fast. At home I loved gardening, which involved moving large heavy rocks, building brick borders, and building a backyard fishpond. I was rarely grouchy but sometimes depression would set in when I simply couldn’t do the work I loved due to back pain. I tried a few remedies on my own, for example, hanging from a doorway in an attempt to relax my back. I also tried a few over-the-counter drugs but they did not offer much relief. I settled in to tolerate the back discomfort. One morning, approximately ten years ago, I found I was unable to back my car out of the garage. I could not turn my head left or right. Later the day, I discovered and advertising flyer in the local newspaper. The flyer addressed certain approaches to easing back pain. That is when I made an appointment with Dr. Azzari. At the conclusion of my examination and visit, Dr. Azzari explained he could not reverse the damage done but was confident he could relieve the discomfort and return me to a comfortable condition. After several visits I started to improve. My posture, spirits and comfort were lifted. Now, short monthly office visits allow me to function in a lifestyle consistent to my age."

Dick Weeber

"The back and hip pain I was having was making it very difficult to walk, sit, sleep or just move in general. I went to the MD and tried prescription drugs, therapy and exercises, but it didn’t make any difference. I came to Dr. Azzari. After an examination and x-rays he recommended a treatment plan. After the initial treatment plan I went on a maintenance program. His adjustments make it possible for me to be more active and have much less pain than before."

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