Our Services
Advanced technology, continuing our education, and being at the forefront of the latest techniques, is how we provide quality service that changes our patients lives.
Azzari Chiropractic Life Center is using many resources such as advancing our technology, updating our methods, and using good caring philosophy to increase the wellbeing and health of our patients. Below is a list of our services.
We have services for every type of problem.
We offer professional services to get your life back on track.
Click on the Services Title or Techniques Title to see what our clinic has to offer you!
• Chiropractic Treatments
• Trigger Point Therapy
• Myofascial Release
• Vitamins/Supplements
• Wellness Programs
• Nutritional Counseling
• Exercise/Stretching Programs
DIVERSIFIED: This is what the majority of chiropractors around the world use in practice. This is straight hands on adjusting.
THOMPSON DROP TABLE: Thompson utilizes gravity and physics to allow for a very low force but highly effective adjustment. This is the original low force technique.
TOGGLE RECOIL: The technique of choice for chiropractic purists. This is by far one of the most energizing adjustments in chiropractic and has fantastic results for many people.
SACRAL OCCIPITAL TECHNIQUE: The ultimate in low force techniques SOT (as it is known by chiropractors) uses the patient’s body weight and breathing to make the adjustment. This is a fantastic technique for low back pain and sciatic patients.
ACTIVATOR: “The clicker” as some of my patients like to call it is better know as an activator and is a vital and important technique for my elderly, pediatric and very sensitive patients. The activator uses physics to make a very fast low force adjustment. Many of my patients with osteoporosis love this technique.
GONSTEAD: Developed many years ago by Clarence Gonstead, its namesake, this technique has stood the test of time and has been utilized in some of the largest chiropractic practices in history. Before his passing, patients flew thousands of miles to see Dr. Gonstead for this technique and its benefits.
Can't find what you're looking for?
We are always updating our services and techniques so if you don't see something you're looking for please call and ask one of our patient care advisors.
Ask us anything, you'll be glad you did. 480-836-0800